I come on pieces!

Welcome to "The Epic Adventure of Ramtox and Skylo" web blog. I have no idea why I made this comic... Just enjoy it, kthxbai!

((Skylo is better at writing this stuff -.-))


Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Parties suck!

Well... They do! PTing is the bane of my very existance! But, I need the experience since I deleveled ;_; Lesson to be learned: Never, Ever help out random people >_>;

Now... I also want to thank everyone who supports this comic! You guys rock, really!
If you want a guest-appearance in this comic, you can mail me at ramtoxicated[AT]Gmail[DOT]com. I'll find a way to ridicule you *Evil Smirk*

As for the comic.... Here it is! >.>; A bit exaggerated, but that's how we did it back in the day. (Pre-MPK patch)
