First of all I'd like to say a few things. To the guy who posted seven (7) comments in less than 3 minutes... either get a life, a girlfriend or some friends to keep you occupied. I know life can be hard and you just wanted some attention from teh Ramster and Skyster but really go njoy yourself and watch some Pokemon on TV or so...
Talking about friends, what is FFXI withouth friends? Yes you're right, it's boring, it sucks, it's just no fun at all. When Ramtox and Skylo started playing they were on Midardsormr but since we didn't know any people there and Ramtox had a friend who played on Lakshmi we deleted our characters and restarted from scratch on the "oh so famous for it's overpriced items" Lakshmi server.
The next comic will show Shizugatake and Draconum. Who are they? Two real life friends like Ramtox and Skylo who happen to live in Belgium as we do. How we've met them isn't really clear, on a day I saw Shizu was on Ramtox friendlist and we started talking. 2 years later we've become good friends and still do stuff together in-game. This is a tribute to the early stages of our friendship.
P.S. If the lonely guy starts spamming comments again I'm making it registered users only <.<